Currently Reading: Shooting with Soul

"Shooting with Soul" by Alessandra Cave dives into the creative process of photography. The first few pages touch on technical aspects and terms to know, but overall the book gives new and different topics to capture to maybe grow creativity and inspire a bit more. Recently, I've found myself reading a lot more creative books.... Continue Reading →

A German Wonder Film: Adox CHS 100 II

Adox has a line of films, papers, and chemicals that seem to me an attempt at recreating the aesthetics of early 1900s photography. The history of the brand Adox, starting in Germany in the 1860s, is a pretty remarkable story itself and they continue to thrive with inventing and reinventing photographic supplies. The story can... Continue Reading →

The 1976 Kodak Tri-X Pan

I had mentioned last week that I had quite a few rolls of expired Kodak Tri-X Pan 400. After doing some research on how to shoot film that old, I went with the rule of thumb of shooting it a stop faster with each decade it's been expired. That's four stops, so 25 EI was... Continue Reading →

New Film!

I have an ever-growing collection of film taking up room in our fridge. Mostly 135mm, but a few rolls of 120mm for the Lubitel (I'll get back into that as soon as I find a lens and negative carrier and can actually make 6x6 prints). Most film I have is panchromatic, which means it's sensitive... Continue Reading →

The Creative Darkroom Experiments (Part 3)

Recently, I had bought a few packages of expired darkroom paper. I've only really used the paper for experimentation; Sabattier effect, Lumen prints, and this time around Photograms. Photograms are incredibly simple. Man Ray is probably the most famous of photogrammers (a lot of his work is quick google search away). The trick to making... Continue Reading →

The Creative Darkroom Experiments (Part 1)

There happens to be a lot of legal things you can do with hazardous chemicals in the basement. Light source and darkroom paper included, of course. One of the best websites I've found with historic and creative photography technique explanations and guides is Any thing from early photographic developing techniques to creative photography sans camera,... Continue Reading →


Our public library downtown has a really great film/digital photography section. 3rd floor, back corner, 2 full aisles of books on techniques, darkroom, film, digital, artists, and movements (and probably way more). I went last Saturday with husband (it was part of our Valentine's Day date day...he read comics, I read photography books. Our nerdiness... Continue Reading →

Arista Premium, “Hello, Goodbye”

Freestyle recently had a sale on their Arista Premium and Arista.Edu Ultra black and white films. I bought a roll of each for fairly cheap, got them in the mail quickly, and proceeded to research Arista the brand. (I also ordered 5x7 and 8x10 packs of Arista Ultra darkroom FB paper, also cheap, win!) Some... Continue Reading →

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