Film Life: Awaiting Developed Film

I was hoping I’d have something developed, or at least color film sent in by now, but I’m, what’s the word? Lazy. Or busy with other projects, but lazy sounds more my personality.

In Mexico, I shot 2.5 rolls of color film (the Kodak Porta 160 is still in the AE-1 and I’m still waiting for a nice, non-rainy day to finish up the roll.) I have a roll of Ektar 100 and Lomo 400 CN shot and ready to be developed, though. As soon as I get those developed, I’ll have a good review written up for each.

I shot quite a bit with my Sony Nex, as well, using my array of Canon FD lenses. Here are a few of my favorites. I haven’t gone through all of them, but from the first batch, these definitely turned out quite nice.

Cozumel, at Chakanaab Park
Batch of Palms
Playing Guitar
Guitar Playin’


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